Ekuthuleni Lodge, Welgevonden
With a maximum of 10 guests in house at any given time, a stay at Ekuthuleni Lodge always feels comfortable and intimate – like a holiday with family.
Tshwene Lodge, Welgevonden
The relaxed luxury of the contemporary interiors provides comfort and warmth, giving a modern spin to the charming treehouse aesthetic and allowing guests to feel completely at home in the beautifully-appointed space.
Pel’s Post, Kruger Park
With just four suites, privacy and romance is a given, while discreet service, an abundance of space, luxurious facilities and a gorgeous view of the Luvuvhu River add to the sense of solitude and exclusivity.
Rock Pool Villa, Plettenberg Bay
Welcome to the ultimate in privacy and luxury at Rock Pool Villa, nestled in Plettenberg Bay's pristine nature reserve. This exclusive-use retreat features ten luxurious suites, stunning views, and extensive entertainment options.
The Old Rectory, Plettenberg Bay
Immerse yourself in the oasis of elegance that is The Old Rectory, a tranquil hideaway amidst the bustling charm of Plettenberg Bay. With a rich history and vibrant present, your stay promises to be a memorable seaside adventure.
The Outpost, Kruger Park
Cool and contemporary, The Outpost offers our guests a unique and unexpected safari experience, and a sense of calm tranquility unattainable in the busier parts of the Kruger.
Unparalleled Luxury.
a Distinct Collection
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